
For a communication with the desired being

・Think of questions you want to ask

・Have one to two photos of the being ready for me

・I also need the name, age and sex of the animal to be communicated with and how long it’s been with you

For contact & communication

・I purify myself ethereally and build an energetic protection

・Via the photo of your being I make contact telepathically/from a distance

・During the communication, I get in exchange with the being about your questions and receive all the information, that it wants to share, via my (enhanced) clairvoyance

・Meanwhile, I take notes and try to put everything I receive on paper

After the communication

・You will receive a log from me of the questions asked and the answers given

・We can also talk on the phone about the communication

get in contact

Deine Flaschenpost von ahoykosmos